2019-2020 PLCC Free and Reduced Lunch Program:
While Portage Lakes Career Center does not receive Federal or State funds to subsidize free or reduced lunches, the philosophy of the Career Center is to help all students in need.
If you feel your child qualifies to receive the free and/or reduced lunch benefit, you must have an application approved and on file at your school district of residence. PLCC can not process your free / reduced lunch request unless your paperwork has been approved at your school district of residence.
Full day students who qualify for free lunch at their home school district also qualify for free lunch at PLCC. Therefore, it is necessary for a student’s parent/guardian to contact their school of residence, ensuring that all free and reduced lunch materials are on file and approved. It is your responsibility to make sure your free/reduced lunch application is on file at your home school district. The district of residence shares this information with PLCC for students enrolled at PLCC to confirm the free and/or reduced lunch benefit. Please bring any Free & Reduced Lunch questions directly to Mr. Kaschak’s (PLCC Principal) attention. PLEASE NOTE: Only full day students enrolled at PLCC are eligible to receive free and/or reduced lunch services. PLCC can not process your fee waiver request unless your paperwork has been approved at your school district of residence.
**For the first eight days of school, students who believe they are eligible to receive the free or reduced lunch benefit may use the last 4 numbers of his/her PLCC student ID in the cafeteria line to receive a lunch. If PLCC has not received confirmation from the district of residence by day 9 the lunch received will be charged to the student’s account. It is your responsibility to make sure your free/reduced lunch application is on file at your home school district. Once the application has been received and approved, all prior charges to the student’s account will be removed. FULL DAY students who are approved to receive the free lunch service will receive a daily balance of $3.00 to use in the cafeteria lunch line. Please direct any Free/Reduced lunch questions to the building principal, Mr. Kaschak.
2019-2020 Fee Waiver for Full Day Students:
Any student who qualifies for free lunch at their home school district, also qualifies for a waiver of PLCC student fees. Therefore, it is necessary for a student’s parent/guardian to contact their school of residence, ensuring that all free lunch eligibility materials are on file and approved. The district of residence shares this information with PLCC for students enrolled at PLCC to confirm fee waiver eligibility. PLCC can not process your fee waiver request unless your paperwork has been approved at your school district of residence. Please direct any fee waiver questions to the PLCC building principal, Mr. Kaschak.